Tanzania Western Circuit Highlights

Western Tanzania is the least-visited part of the country, but it is one of the most interesting areas for those visitors who do travel there. The best place to see chimpanzees, it’s a wild and unspoilt area of the country. It’s the place to visit for a primate safari and the ultimate wilderness experience. There are two parks that feature chimpanzees, though it should be noted that children under the age of 10 are not usually permitted to track them.

At least 6 days should be budgeted for visiting the parks of Western Tanzania. Parks in the Tanzania Western Circuit include:

Rubondo Island National Park
Rubondo Island National Park is found on a small island in the south-west corner of Lake Victoria. Visiting this island in the world’s second largest lake, a sprawling inland sea that extends between Tanzania, Uganda, and Kenya, is a completely different adventure than anything that can be found at the other parks in Tanzania.

Gombe Stream National Park
Gombe Stream National Park is the smallest park in Tanzania. It is a remote and fragile strip of chimpanzee habitat near the river valleys hemming the sandy northern shore of Lake Tanganyika.

Mahale Mountains National Park
Mahale Mountains National Park features azure blue waters, sandy beaches, mountains, rainforests, and exotic wildlife. A trip to these mountains is easily combined with a visit to the secluded Katavi National Park.

Katavi National Park
Off the beaten track is the pristine wilderness of Katavi National Park. Stepping into Katavi is like stepping one hundred years into Africa’s past. It’s the natural home for many hippos, crocodiles, and lions. The large concentrations of nearby antelope attract these predators in droves.

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